Living a chilled life

Back in 2008, I made this podcast about things which make us stressed at a time when, you’ll probably notice from the beginning, I was pretty stressed. Always good to speak from experience, though…

Listening back, I think I learned a lot through and since making this, not least that conversation can feel better than monologue to me for exploring big ideas. That’s one way my upcoming podcast about being a dad is going to be different from this one.

But I enjoyed rediscovering this from the archive, and thought you might also like to dip in to this podcast which actually topped the iTunes “Self Help” chart for a while despite the message being more like “don’t do self help – there’s better help available!”

Episode 1 – the intro!

Episode 2 – the one about a bump in the road (and why self help can be a bit rubbish)

Episode 10 – end of series 1 with stories about being in control (or not!)


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    Adam Sommerfield

    I remember listening to these back in 2008! That was a big year for me, some great things (getting married) but also some very bad things (work stuff leading to depression and a slippery slope).

    Thank you for uploading these!!

    I actually also found recently that I’d downloaded 5 of Deborah De Vries mindfulness sessions as well, and that gave me an idea.

    I have an “Analog Ambience” channel on YouTube called Fog Productions where (amongst other things) I’m experimenting with using analog aesthetic layered on top of “chillout audio”.

    Bern, I wondered, would you mind if I mixed your podcasts with Analog visuals and uploaded to my channel? I’d do the usual citing of original creator etc I’m hoping to ask Deborah for the same permission with her content.


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    Hi Bern, I listened to this podcast series when it launched. At the time I was in my early 20s navigating the world of work and desperately needing to learn to relax and de-stress. This series helped me tremendously, thank you so much for sharing. It popped into my head yesterday and I decided to see if I could find it again. It’s been was very nostalgic to relisten and has reminded me how much I’ve learnt and grown. Thanks again. Sam

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